My Feminism Looks Like… Adwoa

A personal interview for an African Feminist Project

Melanin as love

Screen Shot 2015-05-22 at 13.04.331. Can you tell me a little about yourself?

Name is Adwoa, I am Ghanaian and I feast on the elixir of life: the souls of bigots. It nourishes me. Makes my hair thicker, skin sleeker, tongue sharper and pussy finer. I run the blog and I’m a recent law school graduate. My only life goal is to reduce human suffering while maintaining personal happiness.

2. Who’s your favourite feminist?

My favorite feminist differs depending on how I feel on that day. Today it is former head of state of Burkina Faso, Thomas Sankara. Because Sankara did what no head of state has ever done, center women’s liberation as a foundational and necessary part of Burkina and equity.

3. What is your take on pornography?

I support sex work. And I acknowledge the unjust economic instituions, that take monopolize resources in ruling class men’s hands, such that their sexual…

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“Women For Gender Roles In Ghana” Protest Rice Cookers To Maintain Marriages "Women For Gender Roles In Ghana", a local organization filled with patriarchal princesses committed to perpetuating male dominance have issued an official statement protesting rice cookers,  dish washers, and other house-hold appliances for threatening their marital homes. In the released statement, the fearful women complained that technological advances usurped their entire life purpose of … Continue reading “Women For Gender Roles In Ghana” Protest Rice Cookers To Maintain Marriages

Ugly Nti Deɛn? Embracing The Subversive As Liberation I could be the ugliest, most grotesque women on the earth and I would still be the flyest muthafucker breathing. Because I am brilliant, I am bold, I am relentless, ungovernable, unsociable, and an intentionally molded human archetype of Maame Wata herself. Chale, I just dey be kɛkɛ. Feminists are Ugly? So fuckin' what? The … Continue reading Ugly Nti Deɛn? Embracing The Subversive As Liberation

To All Ghanaian Feminists – Thank you For Fuckin’ Shit Up

This is for Ghanaian feminists. Of every gender and creed. Disabled and able-bodied. Gay and pansexual. Poor and rich. Hypersexual and Asexual. Religious and atheist. To all of us. I want to say Thank you. Today is not the day I tell you why intersectional Marxist Feminism is the way for us Ghanaians. No. Today is … Continue reading To All Ghanaian Feminists – Thank you For Fuckin’ Shit Up

Humanism Without Feminism: How Ghanaian Sexists Pose As Intellectuals

Humanism without feminism is as useful as a typhoid inducing, clogged drainage system. It is logically and practically inconsistent. Ghanaian humanism houses male bigots who utilize intellectual gymnastics to fail to address their deep seated anti-woman beliefs and attitudes. A peril of sexism is that women are not taken seriously as intellectuals, or as pioneers … Continue reading Humanism Without Feminism: How Ghanaian Sexists Pose As Intellectuals