Happy Fathers Day Ghanaian Men ! 5 Reasons Why Feminism Benefits Fathers.

Here at Ghana Feminism we wish a Happy Father's day to all fathers. You are trying your best, and we appreciate it. Here are 5 reasons why Feminist molds of masculinity allow for Better Parenthood.  1. Fathers are More Than An ATM  We encourage fathers to be viewed as more than just a source of … Continue reading Happy Fathers Day Ghanaian Men ! 5 Reasons Why Feminism Benefits Fathers.

Politics of Bodily Alterations: Why Bleaching Differs From Trans Body Modifications

To Sena, and those that genuinely seek answers. The suffering of Trans people is astronomical. In US and Canada, they are murdered at a rate higher than cis Black men. Trans people's life expectancy is reported at about 30 years old, while cis people live up to about 78.To maintain moral principles that require us … Continue reading Politics of Bodily Alterations: Why Bleaching Differs From Trans Body Modifications

Shaming Women With “Ashawo” Won’t Make Your Dick Bigger

https://twitter.com/obaa_boni/status/556881288326819841 Sexism is stealing Ghanaian women's orgasms in the following two ways. First, by attacking women for being sexual. Second, through a backward imagination of sex that causes your boyfriend to jam his penis into your unlubricated vagina repeatedly and overzealously, rabid rabbit style, until you begin quietly praying that this miserable experience masquerading as … Continue reading Shaming Women With “Ashawo” Won’t Make Your Dick Bigger